From left to right:
Carl Bloom - Town engineer, Gunnel Asklund- teacher, Camilla Johansson- journalist, Lillemor Nesset- student and Gunilla Hendriksson- preschool teacher.
Initial bonds:
1.Lillemor Nesset was part of the 1993 delegation and developed links with some leaders.
2.Tormod Nesset visited Port Shepstone overnight,immediately after the first democratic election in 1994 ( he was an international observer during the elections in Eastern Cape region) and initiated contacts with leaders and held a successful meeting. Outcome of the meeting was a positive response to initiate a twinning project.( civil society)
3.Camilla Johansson continued to maintain contact with Ravi Pillay in preparation for the first formal twinning delegation from Oskarshamn. (via fax and telephone)
4.Selvan Chetty assisted Ravi in co-ordinating the programme. Selvan was an employee of Practical Ministry during this period. A human rights / church based organisation that played an important role during this transitional phase.
5. Gulshera Khan, as Area Manager for child welfare was tasked to expose the delegation to some NGO's and co-ordinate the first twin workshop on 9 November 1994.
N.B : The above is a broad sequence of events,locally. G.K